Lauryn Hill “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin. Those words have rung true for thousands of years, and they can be understood by everyone. Regardless of where you were born, your occupation, or how much money you make, those two events will be a factorRead More
Listen to her Soul
Jhene` Aiko Throughout my years as a musician and music fan, I have always loved the young artist. There is something special about the musical prodigy. As a writer for the Weekly Music Commentary, I get the opportunity to comment on many of today’s up and coming artists. This week’s commentary features an artist whoRead More
Here to Entertain You
Ciara Several years ago I remember discovering some of the great talents of yesterday. My father and I would have conversations about some of the wonderful Vaudeville performers. As my father explained, and I would come to realize after viewing recorded performances, the Vaudeville entertainer was not one dimensional. Even the great comedians were ableRead More
“A Little Joy to Their Fans”
Aerosmith Over the past couple of months, a friend and fellow fan of all music and I have been involved in an ongoing discussion. Who are the top ten rock and roll bands of all time? We laughed and joked about some bands that have come and gone off the music scene with little impact.Read More
What Did He Do Now?
Chris Brown You are sitting at home watching the evening news with your family as a preview comes on about an upcoming story about an entertainer who has a history of legal troubles. “Oh no, what did he (or she) do now?” Those are the words that immediately come from one of your family members.Read More
Can You Have it All?
Justin Timberlake “I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can’t truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles.” – Zig Ziglar Why did I choose to start this weeks’ post with a quote by ZigRead More
The Courage to be Different
Janelle Monae When I reflect on some of the posts of the past months, I think about the people who influenced what I wrote and why. Usually the conversations with people in my very close circle of influence are the fuel for my thought process. I have a few friends who are not musicians, butRead More